We celebrated the little man’s first 6 months by trying to integrate solid food into his diet. Up until that point, the entirety of his sustenance had been breast milk. Suffice it to say that it did not go well in the beginning. It did not go well at all…
The method that we used is called Baby-Led Weaning and here is what I wrote about it when we first began:
Baby-led weaning (BLW) is when you introduce solid foods to your bundle of joy and let them figure out how to eat it over time. The goal is to promote age appropriate motor skills while making eating a positive experience. Babies aren’t the quickest learners, obviously, so you continue to breastfeed them while they deal with this new bomb that you thoughtlessly, and literally, dropped into their wee little laps. It’s a test in patience, stamina and the ability to clean things that you did not know could get dirty.
It took about 3 months for him to sort of, kind of, get the hang of it. During that time, we were searching for anything that he would eat on a consistent basis and we finally came across Baby Mum-Mums.
Baby Mum-Mums, along with Toddler Mums-Mums and Mum-Mum Snax, are all natural teething biscuits and snacks for babies, toddlers and children. The baby variety comes in original, organic original, vegetable, banana and apple flavors.
The best thing about them is that the little dude took to them instantly. They are designed to be easy to grab for young, inexperienced hands so he had no problem handling them. This also means that he is able to work on his hand-eye and hand-mouth coordination. Bonus!
Another benefit is that they dissolve easily in his mouth, which means that we don’t have to worry that he is going to choke. This also makes them great for teething because he either bites off pieces or sucks on them until they dissolve.
Baby Mum-Mums are made out of Japonica rice and other completely natural ingredients. They are also egg-free, peanut-free and gluten-free, which is really helpful because when a baby is 6 months old, you normally don’t know if they have any allergies.
Finally, each box comes with individually wrapped Mum-Mums so they are the perfect grab-and-go snack.

Popeye loves Baby Mum-Mums but he’s also happy to share.
Baby Mum-Mums are a great tool for teaching a baby how to eat solid food and for teething. They’re designed to let the baby learn at their speed and they’re all natural, easy to handle and individually-packaged. They are the perfect first solid food for a baby.
To learn more, visit the Mum-Mums website.